

An exhibition full of results! 🏆🎊 Saturday 25th November first CAC for Sugarblue Freja! third CAC and Nomination for Hypnotic Poison! Ex 1, BEST IN VARIETY, NOMINATION and BEST IN SHOW for Nordex Navajo!

Saturday 7 October Ex 1 for the Lillipop and Navajo kittens, first CAC for Hypnotic Poison! Sunday 8 October Ex 1 for Navajo, Ex 1 and Best in Show Nomination for Lillipop! second CAC and Best in Show Nomination for Hypnotic Poison!

Great satisfaction for our kittens at the Fossano expo on 9 and 10 September 2023! Saturday 9: Ex 1 for Hypnotic Poison, Liberty Bell and Legolas! Best in Show Nomination for Hypnotic Poison!

Saturday 15 April 2023 at the Venturina Sugarblue exhibition Hypnotic Poison wins the Best in Variety and the former 1! Goemon receives his first CAC for the national championship! Sunday 16th Still Best in Variety and former 1 for Hypnotic, second CAC and Nomination for Best in Show for Goemon!!

Best in Show Domenica 24 febbraio. Sul palco è presente anche la nostra Dolcenera, cucciola blue point nella categoria 7/10 mesi.