

An expo with two certificates in one day! first certificate: Hypnotic Poison CACS and Nomination, Gabriel CACJ and Nomination, Dearest CACJ and Nomination, Hermione gets her first CAC at her first show! third CAC for Navajo, therefore already becoming NATIONAL CHAMPION! It also gets the nomination and wins the BEST IN SHOW! 🏆🎉 Second certificate:...

We are increasingly happy and satisfied with the results of our Birmans! 🏆🎊❤️ Saturday: For Sugarblue Hypnotic Poison CACS and Nomination (loses at Best in Show against our Navajo), Gabriel De Alfang CACJ and Nomination, Carissima V. Blütengarten CACC and Nomination, Nordex Navajo CAC, Nomination, BEST IN SHOW and BEST OF BEST 1! It is therefore...

🎊🎉 Saturday for Sugarblue Hypnotic Poison CAGCIB! NOMINATION and BEST IN SHOW for Carissima V. Blütengarten! Navajo CACJ, NOMINATION and unfortunately loses Best in Show in the play-off!

On expo in Aarburg Saturday 13 January CAC for Sugarblue Freja, CACIB and Nomination for Hypnotic Poison, Ex 1 and Nomination for Nordex Navajo, Ex 1, Nomination and BEST IN SHOW for Gabriel De Alfang! Sunday 14 January Ex 1 for Navajo and Gabriel! Sugarblue Hypnotic Poison takes third CACIB, Best in Show Nomination and becomes INTERNATIONAL...

Best in Show Domenica 24 febbraio. Sul palco è presente anche la nostra Dolcenera, cucciola blue point nella categoria 7/10 mesi.